Proving or Disproving, Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Next 5-7 Years: What Will It Take?

Proving or Disproving, Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Next 5-7 Years: What Will It Take?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM · 1 hr. (Asia/Dubai)
Main Theatre
Ocean Visions
Ocean, Carbon & Climate Connections


CDR is essential to restore a safe climate. Large amounts of CDR are needed to keep warming below 1.5 C and far more will be needed to reverse the climate disruption that is already harming humanity and nature. Marine CDR may have a critical role to play but we need extensive and scaled RD&D now to determine additionality, durability, and safety of each pathway. This session will introduce a comprehensive plan across three pillars - science, technology, and policy - to get the answers needed.

  • Brad Ack, CEO, Ocean Visions
  • Debora Iglesias Rodgiguez, Chair, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UCSB
  • Peter de Menocal, President, WHOI
  • Dr. Immaculate Sware Semesi, Director General, Tanzania Marine Parks and Reserves
  • Ambrosio Yobanolo del Real, Vice-Chair - Technology Executive Committee, UNFCC

Lead Organization

Ocean Visions

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